Integral Deep Listening

& Holistic Bodywork


 Fully exploring the inner and outer dimensions of
your authentic, true being.

I am fascinated by the way humans express and encounter each other – and themselves. I am dedicated to being a messenger and a bridge, to meet & create ourselves over and over again. Collectively and individually, committed to our growth in various dimensions:


My way of dialogue - of integrating and unifying body, mind, soul & spirit - is highly experiential and intuitive. Our encounter is courageous, curious, open and present, and oriented relationally towards subtle and often subconscious details on diverse levels.

A unifying, holistic approach to psychological therapy: combining the knowledge of ancient healing methods such as Pranayama, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Thai Massage, Osteopathy & Cranio-Sacral with the latest research and modern methods of systemic work, trauma integration, neuroscience and relational care.

Be a voice, not an echo.

Are you afraid to be not worthy or are you really scared that you are powerful beyond measure? You are the only one that can fulfill and complete yourself.
Let yourself expand into your infinite potential.

Our whole knowledge of the world is, in one sense, self-knowledge.
For knowing is a translation of external events into bodily processes – and especially into states of the nervous system and the brain: We see or know the world in terms of the body and in accordance with its structure. We learn how to respond, to feel, to (re)act and even to think.
The way you perceive yourself and the world around you is a translation or projection of belief systems and thought patterns – conditioned by and built upon past experiences. Which are neither representative of your present state, nor exhaustively grasping the fullness life has to offer.

By allowing your nervous system to relax and gently opening up space to feel and connect to your body, its pure sensations and feelings, you make way for a shift to occur. Guided through touch, movement, and dialogue, integrating your individual situation & background, you are invited to listen to yourself, to receive new insights.
A broader perspective - a deeper understanding.

To be willing and able to feel your (e)motions, let everything flow through you, let go of restricting fears, tension or contraction, and detach from needless suffering. To take a step away from past stories, to grasp the power & resources of formerly frozen, then softened and melted parts – to empower silenced, locked away potential within you. Which has always been here, below the surface. Re-membering your wholeness. Unifying & expanding.
To integrate and express your authentic, multidimensional Self.

A unifying approach to healing “bottom-up” and “top-down”

Integrated in my diploma as a certified Holistic Bodywork™ practicioner, I am trained in the NeuroAffective Relational Model™ approach.
This is a therapeutic tool in order to understand how early trauma affects self-regulation, self-image and the capacity for relationship. How an impaired capacity for connection to self and others – and the ensuing diminished aliveness – are the hidden dimensions that underlie most psychological and many physiological problems. Unfortunately, we are often unaware of the internal roadblocks that keep us from experiencing the connection and aliveness we deeply yearn for and deserve. These challenges develop in reaction to developmental and shock trauma and the related nervous system dysregulation, disruptions in attachment, and distortions of identity.

The goal of the model and framework is to address and work with these neurological dynamics while never losing sight of supporting the development of healthy connectedness and aliveness in the now. In our dialogue, we will address conflicts around the capacity for connection and explore how deeper truth, expression, feeling, fulfillment, and aliveness can be embodied & lived in the process of healing trauma. Alchemizing and transmuting the led which weighs us down into gold which blesses us.

Feel it to heal it, in a safe environment, in the present moment.

NARM is a scientifically informed approach to the experience of Self, embodiment, and self in relationship. Somatic mindfulness is a bottom-up, nonverbal skill for self-reflection that helps us examine the internal relationships between body, mind, and soul/Self. In our sessions, this is holistically intertwined with therapeutic frameworks such as Internal Family Systems and symbolic modeling in order to form a wholesome, unified approach to healing.

This way of dialogue supports being present to and aware of; but not identified with, limiting shame- and pride-based identifications – without merging with them and thus letting them determine our thinking, acting, living.

Building on the premise that powerful change lies in making the unconscious conscious. Unity is found by bringing everything to the light.
Acknowledging and letting go of our repressed needs, feelings of lack and illusions, trusting that we are indeed connected and complete. If we find back to our primal force and truth, within our core.
Through our own deep experience, the embodied expression of what exists before and behind our fears, wounds, limitations and sorrows.

We hold the power to transformation within – by being able to question and thus change our thoughts, belief systems, and behavioral patterns.

By exploring the links between our in-the-moment conscious experience and our unconsciously held-in-the-gut encoded memories, somatic therapy supports the capacity for insight & regulation, for embodiment & integration.
By helping you to build tolerance and resilience for stress and increased levels of arousal, this approach seeks to expand the neural networks of descending and ascending communication that organize experience. Which shape our experience of reality.

From narrowed perception and re-action to an unfolding of your own limitless potential.
Truthful, radical self-expression and self-determined action in the here & now.

Tapping into the infinite potential of this
multi-faceted human experience.

– aligned with higher dimensions through spiritual practice and self-inquiry, rooted firmly in the Earth by grounded living.

Connection, expansion, growth, psycho-emotional healing, resilience, guidance, and an individually shaped holistic & wholesome experience. 
No one session will look like the other – just as you are unlike anyone else and never the one you were still yesterday. Constantly growing, evolving, transforming.
Join me on this collective path of self-discovery & expansion. 

I am here with you.