Über Grenzen & Regenbögen.
Du widersetzt dich dem göttlichen Plan, wenn du etwas tust, obwohl du es nicht aus vollem Herzen tun willst. Ist dir das eigentlich klar?
She awakens.
The great dragon mother exhales, flames curling into the sky like ancient tongues, a language of reckoning.
Her breath devours illusions, casting shadows of false idols into ash.
Burning empires.
I believe we all have not only the responsibility, but also the capability to let the darkness touch us, let the ripples of despair shake us & wake us up – to rise into our power and step up for the truth in our hearts.
Instead of screaming out in disbelief, let us raise our voices for justice and continue the strive for liberation on all levels. Instead of resisting this outcome and pouring your sacred life force energy into disbelief or confusion – channel it into united power and the willingness to truly change.
Are you spiritual or are you playing the same capitalist game of hierarchical separation and narcissistic discrimination – just in white linen clothes and with glitter on your face?
Dominanz und Unterdrückung. Und allem zugrunde liegt die arrogante Annahme, dass der Mensch der Natur und anderen Lebewesen gegenüber überlegen sei und daher das überhebliche Recht hätte, diese auszubeuten, zu unterwerfen, zu zerstören und sich einzuverleiben.
Im gewaltsamen kollektiven Scheidungsurteil unserer „modernen“ Zivilisation sind wir die mutterlosen Kinder, die dazu gezwungen wurden, mit einem nahezu unbekannten Vater zu leben.
I wish for us all to re-member and embody the knowingness that we already have it all. I wish for us all to gift to each other our time, space, presence, compassion and love. I wish for humanity to open hearts and spirits and see where we have been led astray, and where we have blindly followed.
Je nachdem wie gespannt oder dehnbar das Gewebe, desto flexibler oder offener sind wir als Menschen. Umso fester unser Körper, desto rigider unser Geist – so flach oder tief können Begegnungen und Erfahrungen in uns eindringen, uns wirklich berühren und bewegen.
If you are a woman who is angry at the way you have been taught to be egoless, and are sick of the spiritual bypassing echo chamber of Love and Light – good.
This anger is not a sign that you need to regulate your nervous system, or pray/meditate away its manifestation.
hebt eure Banner und eure Stimmen
lasst das Feuer erneut aufglimmen
blickt mit Zuversicht und Wille
auf die Zukunft, die freie Stille
Es interessiert mich nicht, wie du dich nennst und wie du hergekommen bist. Ich will wissen, ob du mit mir in der Mitte des Feuers stehen wirst und nicht davor zurückschreckst.
Is your goddess not standing against the Patriarchy?
If your prayer does not invoke justice, liberation & peace for all beings, it is not mine. If your teachings do not seek to dismantle colonial systems of oppression & violence, they are not for me.
Have faith.
Have courage, hold on to your love and protect your humanity at all costs. In these times of a crumbling foundation – it is you who must choose with an open heart to bear witness to the suffering without falling into despair.
Yes, let us pray for peace.
But we also need to rise and use our voice to speak up against the atrocities we face.
Bittersweet transitions.
The humility of having all your darkest fears become reality, when all being left is yourself – with a heart broken open. And the courage to start all over again.
On becoming soft.
To be soft is not to be weak. It is owning your power – gentle & humble enough to allow yourself to open up. Instead of being the rock, removing ourselves out of the river of life.
The less good girl I get, the better it gets.
Are you projecting your dramas, your struggles, your obstacles outwards onto the other, that man, that situation, that trauma, that past story – or are you taking on radical self-responsibility and owning the ways in which you are standing in your own way?
Conflict is contact.
An invitation to focus on the potential instead of the challenge. Shifting your awareness from what might be lost to what can be gained.
Feeling (safe) is healing.
We are in a constant state of invisible or illusionary danger. Slowing down, sensing & resting is literally healing.