Is your goddess not standing against the Patriarchy?

Is your god not opposing the false god of money, greed & power abuse?

Is your goddess not fighting against the suffering of her beloved innocent children?

Is your god not striving for equality & freedom of all living beings?

If your prayer does not invoke liberation & peace for all peoples, it is not mine.

If your teachings do not seek to dismantle colonial systems of oppression & violence, they are not for me.

If you call yourself a guru or priestess, but don’t use the power of your word to lead people out of the illusions of the ego and privilege, yours is not my path.

If your approach to spirituality does not include sharp discernment to break down barriers of exploitation, hierarchies & domination, it is not my choice.

This is not about better or worse - but about choosing, embodying, living the only viable option for a future in freedom & light.

We need to go further than believing, beyond the striving to be something special, above the fear of having some mask or comfort to loose. There is no path to enlightenment that will skip the muddy swamps of the death of who you believed to be. There is no truth without the realization of the lies you accepted & recreated. Spirituality is not to be divided from activism.

I hope we are standing up for a better world, because we have created it within ourselves. Not to continue to divide by serving the system’s traps of detachment & distraction. I hope we continue to look into where we have gone wrong. Because we know that the only way to unity is to see where we have served the illusion of separation.

May we be courageous & honest enough to realize we are not better than “them”.

That we are playing the same game, if we choose to stay silent out of privilege or fear. May we be brave & curious enough to look into the mirror that is presented to us.

And to act accordingly.

To rise up and realize/manifest our true power - in unity & trust. In the breaking down of the old barriers to build new bridges. This includes dismantling, destroying, detaching (from) the old. 

I wish we pray to the same Goddess of liberation & justice for all living beings.

There is no true spirit without the fight against supremacy. There is no soul without the clarity of uncomfortable truth.




Have faith.