
A loving and caring thought to my fellow humans, revolutionaries, socialists, anarchists, sentient beings suffering everywhere in this world. 

Instead of screaming out in disbelief, let us raise our voices for justice and continue the strive for liberation on all levels. Instead of resisting this present chaotic outcome and pouring your sacred life force energy into disbelief or confusion – channel it into united power and the willingness to truly change. 

Your rage is sacred. Your grief is sacred. Your aching heart is valid and rightful and beautiful! And this is why we need to go from fueling these systems of deception and separation with our attention and our voice. 

Turn off the media, turn to each other. Wake up to the realization that this game is and has been scripted, and that this global theater is in its final acts. And the ones who will stay - not to clap but to clean up the mess and rebuild - are all of US. It has always been us who are asked to step up, to take radical responsibility and to create the society we have voted for. Not on any paper, but long before, through this incarnation here on Earth in these challenging, disruptive, transformative, prophetic times. 

Hold on to your faith and keep your loved ones close. Check on your neighbors and the friends you have not heard from. Remember that we are all in the same boat, no matter which labels or definitions or parties we may adhere to. This is the time to choose compassion, truth and trust. And love always. 

These systems of destruction (& distraction) do not hold any power. Only the illusion of influence that we grant them over our own lives. Self-sovereignty is only one choice, and committed actions away. It is not too late - but the perfect time to begin.

Maybe the life we really crave is the simplest one. Maybe what fulfills our soul deeply is not ever more, but always less. 

I am convinced all we need is right here, right now, in this very moment in front of us. But our minds have become overloaded and our eyes blind to the innate beauty and richness, offered to us in abundance. 

Maybe the trees around you can whisper to your heart more wisdom than you could ever consume through books and podcasts? Maybe all your fellow humans need is your listening ear? Maybe the animals are guides and teachers, not to be feared or trapped? Maybe the fresh source water is endlessly more healthy and clear than any filtered water? Maybe there is food growing all around you, which you will start to see when you detach more from buying everything ready-made in a store? Maybe it is more nourishing for spirit & soul to pick the gifts of nature directly, and through this healing not only our own body, but giving back to the Earth body by avoiding trash and pollution? And taking away the power of industries and stopping food waste one and every picked herb and fruit at a time?

Because we hold the power… And every little act counts. You do not need to convince yourself that your actions and your life doesn’t matter. Yes, we are all but a single drop in the ocean. But we are also the whole ocean in one drop. And every rushing river and vast ocean consists of many tiny droplets, coming together, joining forces and moving to one constant rhythm, in harmony and trust. We can all make a difference, when we are connected. 

I choose to walk upon this Earth as a grateful guest, a passenger, with eternal curiosity and the wish to leave places better than I found them. Giving thanks to every being crossing this path - through prayer & song, sharing hearts and inspiring minds. 

Thank you, beloved cosmic Mother and Father, for breathing life and spirit into this existence. I bow to your wisdom and limitless abundance. And I send love to all of us, walking and wandering this planet and waking up to the realization that we have always been free and worthy. Before the conditioning - beyond the mind control - there is always enough. And it is always love.


Burning empires.

