All sickness is homesickness.
Having our awareness painfully bound to and caged in a limited, definitive part of our existence. A sickness synonymous with the need for unfolding, for depth – for truthful living & embodiment.
The only way through is in.
We can’t do this on our own because the wound of separation and loneliness is the core trauma of our civilization.
And maybe that’s it.
Holding on tightly to that force within your chest that gently whispers across the storm: “you are safe here.”
A deep breath.
I share this in the spirit of telling you that I am not afraid of your darkest places, nor will I ever judge you, nor will I ever want to “fix” you.
Awakening to wholeness.
We can only connect with our inner happiness when we stop all that doing and simply "be".
Be your own guru.
And then comes the day when our persona is suddenly heavy, heavy, heavy with convictions and „certainties“ – when we learn the weight of the superfluous.
Relax and allow your self to take notice.
Let every emotion flow through you without holding on to it – don’t be attached, don’t judge, don’t regret. Give the darkness space so you can light it up.
Scorpio moon.
leave me alone
with your divine feminine podcast
tell me you walked on your knees, sandpaper floor
womb turned into your throat
howled from the fetus of the goddess